Main St. and Taylor St., Millburn, NJ. A favorite shady park in Millburn, NJ with plenty of benches. Fenced in, and 3 main playground structures. They have a sandbox but no toys. there is a co-op nursery adjacent to the park, and a bench. Adjacent to the playground is a very nice walking area. Information from the Township of Millburn site is:
“Taylor Park (16 acres) Main Street (973) 564-7750:
Includes Bauer Community Center
ball fields
basketball courts
walking path and playground”
Also check out this article on the history of the park. Side note: My 2 y old wants to be with his older brother, so I often have to follow him in the bigger structures. In the 5y+ structure to chase after a 2 y old requires you to go through a tunnel, which is a bit cumbersome.
Update: Pokestops at Taylor Park in Millburn! Â We found Pokemon here, and there are tons of Pokestops with the various memorial plaques. Â This can be a bustling park, and there are many young adults around. Â Since this is downtown Millburn, it’s a perfect place to walk around and grab a bite to eat after catching pokemon.
For more on Millburn, check out this local online resource: Millburn Patch
- Bathrooms open till 4pm at community center.
- Pokestops Taylor Park in Millburn NJ
I must comment on the Mom who lets her 2 year old on a 5+ yr. old play structure. The CPSC states separate areas are required for 2-5 & 5-12 yrs old, for a very good reason, the 5+ equipment is not safe for a 2 yr. old. There are different design requirements (reach ranges, diminsions etc)for the different age groups. Equipment age appropriateness should be clearly marked and respected.
Just a note that this playground is completely enclosed. I would not call it small, safe and quiet, however!
We went looking for sand. We were told by one of the preschool teachers that the sandbox is always uncovered and often used by animals.