We are always looking for new places to play so if you find a great outdoor playground that is non-existent or outdated already on our site we’d love to hear all about it and see your pictures/videos!

In exchange for your review we have some partners who will provide you with FREE passes to their locations. If you have your own business, website, publication or organization that you’d like to plug we’ll include a link in your review.

Check out our amazing partners and the passes you can earn!

A) 2 passes (1 adult, 1 child to Imagine That in Florham Park, NJ)

B) Coming soon!


For indoor places to play: If you have not visited an indoor play place yet, and are interested in covering it, email us and we can try to coordinate a review with the prospective play place.

Want to get started?

1) Next time you are going out to visit your favorite playground, or explore a new one, check to see if it’s already been written up on www.njplaygrounds.com. Enter the playground in search bar to see if it comes up and if it’s current.

2) Contact us via email (sheila@njplaygrounds.com) and we will let you know if you can be the one to report on it for us! The playgrounds are assigned on a first come, first serve basis.

3) If we confirm no one else has claimed it already submit using this link your review plus pictures!

Comment below with questions or suggestions or e-mail Sheila@njplaygrounds.com and she’ll help you out!

Happy playground hopping!